COVID-19: Viral Transport Medium (VTM) for Diagnosis

The success of diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV) during the COVID-19 outbreak largely depends on the quality of the sample and the conditions under which the sample is transported and stored before being processed in the laboratory.

Viral transport medium (VTM) allows the safe transfer of viruses, chlamydia and mycoplasma for further research, which includes conventional cell culture methods, clinical trials, and molecular biology techniques.

Commercially prepared viral transport media are available in screw cap plastic tubes containing buffered proteins (serum, albumin or gelatin) and antibiotics. Antibiotics are commonly included in viral transport media to suppress the growth of contaminating bacteria and fungi, so if bacterial or fungal cultures are also requested, separate samples should be collected from the same site.

  1. Our viral transport medium is based on Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) with calcium and magnesium and contains heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, gentamicin and amphotericin B. The composition and construction of the viral transport medium follow WHO and CDC recommendations.
  2. The product is provided as a liquid in a sterile 13 mL flat bottom tube, with or without a swab, to provide the maximum range of sample collection possibilities.

VTM is available in 2 formats: without and with swab.

product Code
Viral Transport Medium (VTM)
3 ml. 49 vials of
Viral Transport Medium (VTM) with Swab
49 vials of 3 ml + 49 swabs

Medical devices for in vitro diagnosis. Read the operating instructions carefully.



HRP Conjugate, 3ML

C105-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 120 EUR

SYNCstore STM 3ml

SS3000-100 Geneaid Biotech each 90 EUR

SYNCstore STM 3ml

SS3000-400 Geneaid Biotech each 324 EUR

Conjugate Diluent, 3ML

X076-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 25 EUR

Oxidized Glutathione, 3ML

C024-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 254 EUR

Levonorgestrel Antibody, 3ML

C217-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

Levonorgestrel Conjugate, 3ML

C218-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

Androstenedione Antibody, 3ML

C253-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

Androstenedione Conjugate, 3ML

C255-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

Pasteur Pippete 3ml - PK500

127-P503-00P Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 26.87 EUR

Volumetric Pipette 3mL - PK12

PIP1258 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK12 286.2 EUR

Coliform Detection Broth 3mL

MIC6750 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK100 143.64 EUR

Listeria Detection Broth 3mL

MIC6756 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK100 180.12 EUR

Salmonella Detection Broth 3mL

MIC6752 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK100 221.16 EUR

Allopregnanolone CLIA Antibody, 3ML

C193-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

Allopregnanolone CLIA Conjugate, 3ML

C194-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

Oxytocin-Peroxidase Conjugate, 3ML

C166-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

17-Hydroxyprogesterone Antibody, 3ML

C190-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

17-Hydroxyprogesterone Conjugate, 3ML

C191-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 289 EUR

Powder Thief Tip 3ml - EACH

SAM1250 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 66.15 EUR

DetectX® RBP Antibody, 3ML

C230-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 218 EUR

DetectX® ANP Antibody, 3ML

C093-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 321.6 EUR

DetectX® RBP Antibody, 3ML

C011-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 284.4 EUR

DetectX® PGE2 Antibody, 3ML

C178-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 254 EUR

DetectX® PGFM Antibody, 3ML

C083-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 218 EUR

DetectX® ANP Conjugate, 3ML

C094-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 254 EUR

DetectX® RBP Conjugate, 3ML

C015-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 218 EUR

Weighing Boat 3ml Pyrex - EACH

BAL1870 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 27 EUR

DetectX® PGE2 Conjugate, 3ML

C179-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 254 EUR

DetectX® PGFM Conjugate, 3ML

C084-3ML Arbor Assays 3ML 218 EUR

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